NPHS Selected as a National Banner Unified Champion School by Special Olympics
North Penn High School (NPHS) has recently been selected as a National Banner Unified Champion School by Special Olympics.
According to Special Olympics, fewer than 90 high schools throughout the country are being recognized with this honor in 2018, four of which reside in Pennsylvania.
"The commitment and quality of work done by your students, Unified Sports coaches and staff in providing an exceptional Interscholastic Unified Sports program resulted in this prestigious recognition by our international headquarters," said Matthew B. Aaron, President and CEO of Special Olympics Pennsylvania, Inc.
To be selected for this recognition, NPHS proved its commitment to inclusion and demonstrated that it met or exceeded 10 standards of excellence developed by a national panel of leaders from Special Olympics and the education community. This is evidenced by a multitude of teams, events and initiatives held at NPHS over the last few years, including the inception of a Unified Track Team during the 2016-2017 school year and a Unified Bocce Team in the 2017-2018 school year that earned the Pennsylvania State Championship Title this past spring.
"Your high school has an enrichin g and nurturing climate which exudes a sense of collaboration, engagement and respect for all members of the student body and staff," said Aaron. "All of us at Special Olympics Pennsylvania are proud of your distinguished accomplishment!"
The Special Olympics PA will be joining forces with NPHS in the coming weeks to plan for a schoolwide assembly to celebrate this distinguished honor. In addition to unveiling the Unified Champion Schools national banner in the NPHS gym, this event will celebrate and showcase how inclusion, acceptance and respect are integral to NPHS students and staff.
Congratulations to NPHS on this distinguished honor!