Community Use of Schools
North Penn School District buildings, grounds and a variety of special facilities are available to community groups according to guidelines and policies adopted by the Board of School Directors.
Questions related to the use of school facilities and application for such use should be directed to the the Use of School Facilities secretary at [email protected] or 215-853-1170. Click here for a request form.
Individuals and groups planning to apply to use school facilities are reminded that many rooms and fields are reserved months in advance. Major events involving the North Penn High School auditorium, stadium and gymnasium are usually booked a year in advance.
School board policy includes seven categories of community use, as follows:
School board policy includes seven categories of community use, as follows: (1) District sponsored events such as student activities or parent/teacher activities related to school activities or child welfare; (2) voting, official meetings sponsored by governing bodies or civic associations of any of the North Penn municipalities; (3) events held by district nonprofit organizations where no admission is charged or collection taken; (4) events held by district nonprofit organizations where admission is charged; (5) events held by district commercial organizations where no admission is charged; (6) events held by commercial enterprises where admission is charged; and (7) special use of school district facilities by commercial or non-commercial uses not specified in classes 1 through 6 must be approved by a majority of the Board of School Directors at an official action meeting.
A fee schedule approved by the board of school directors provides for rental fees and other charges to be paid by nonprofit groups when fundraising events are held by all profit-making organizations. The school board policy was developed based on the philosophy that school and student activities, youth groups and community groups related to youth are to receive a higher priority than commercial groups. The school district charges for custodial overtime, security personnel and food services personnel whenever extra services are required. The complete fee schedule is available in the community services office.
Whenever an individual or group plans to use a facility for the first time, it is important that an appointment be made to visit the school, talk with the appropriate personnel and make any special arrangements which may be required. This procedure may be done after the application for using the facility is completed at the community services office.