When and where does the Home and School Association meet?
Home & School Meetings schedule
Is my donation to the Home & School Association tax deductible?
Yes, Walton Farm Home & School Association is recognized as a non-profit 501(c3) organization. Check with your employer to see if they provide a company match for charitable donations.
Why can’t I purchase a yearbook or my 6th grader?
The 6th Grade Committee raises funds to purchase yearbooks for all 6th graders. You do not need to purchase one.
How can I contact my student’s teacher?
Walton Farm Staff List or call the school at 215-855-8800.
How can I sign up for notifications about school closures or school emergencies?
School Messenger
Where can I find the NPSD calendar?...When is Winter Break?...When is Spring Break?...etc.
Click here and look under ‘C’ for calendar.
How can I find out how much money is in my child’s lunch account?
You can create an account at School Cafe to check your balance and to see what your child has purchased.
Where can I get a copy of the lunch menu?
School Menus
Walton Farm Rebates: